It feels so good to be back. Back blogging again on this little space on the net that I can call my own.
In the time since I last blogged I have, graduated my first kid from elementary school, gotten 2 certificates, adopted a cat, cut my hair, gotten back in the gym, and celebrated 10 years of marriage. We’ve taken a few family trips and learned so many new things about each other and our values as a family.
All of the kids are getting older; Jay will be 12 in a few days and started middle school this year, Kayla is 10, Zoëy is 8, and Addy is 3. Since they are all getting older it’s been quite interesting seeing all of their little personalities blossom and change and learning.
I’ve been having some pretty raw and honest conversations with friends and family and they are conversations that I feel compelled to share. After all, this is where I started; before other social media platforms took off and took my attention. I do love Instagram but let’s be real – most people are not there to read. I’m not judging, just saying.
I’m happy to have a space to share my thoughts, feelings, and opinions again. It has been the most enlightening year and I have so much to say.